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I'm Kim Jeong Hye. I am 12 years old. I live in Seasons Park. I like reading. I hate someone who is saying something weird to me. :P
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Hi Everyone,Since we returned to school two weeks ago, we had to take our temperature twice a day. Some of the pupils could not return to school because they were on leave of absence. Our remedial, CCA and other activities have been cancelled or postponed. In this week's reflection, I would like you to discuss how all these have affected you. I have listed some questions below to help you with your reflection:1. What do you think of the school's preventive measures for H1N1 such as temperature-taking, no assembly in the hall, cancellation of remedial lessons, CCA and other activities?2. Which activities have affected you?3. How has the cancellation of these activities affect you in your learning?4. Do you think the school is less interesting now? Why?5. Are you relationship with your friends and teachers affected? If 'yes', in what way/s?6. What do you do with the extra time you have now?7. Are you activities outside school affected?I hope to read your reflection soon. Start writing immediately.Mr Ng By P5.5 Jeong Hye1. It's good because we no need to waste time in the hall but I want to do my CCA. I got one good thing, it is I don't need to stay back after school because of CCA or the other activites.
2. It is Guitar Club
3.I forgot some of the song I need to memorise because I didn't go their for a long time.
4. No.
5. No.
6. I do some worksheets at home, read books or play with my siblings.
7. No.
posted @ 8:00 PM