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Hi Everyone,
For this year, the International Friendship Day focussed on friendship within ASEAN. Making friends among the countries of ASEAN is important as they are our closest neighbours. For this week, we will reflect on friendship among the people of ASEAN.
To help you with your journal writing, I have listed some questions below:
'1. Why do we celebrate International Friendship Day?
2. Do you know how International Friendship Day come about?
3. What does ASEAN stand for?
4. Do you know a lot about ASEAN? Try this game at this website:
http://www.ifd2009.com.sg/What is your knowledge about ASEAN?
5. Do you like the activities organised by the school on International Friendship Day? If not, Why? If 'yes', why?
6. Do you have any friend/s in the ASEAN countries? Tell us how you get to know him/her.
7. What activities do you think the school should organise to help pupils develop friendship with the ASEAN countries?
I hope to read your reflection soon.
Mr Ng
Reply by
P5.5 Jeong Hye1. It is to be friend with ASEAN.
2. I am not so sure but I think it is the that mand country become ASEAN.
3. ASEAN stands for Association Of South East Asian.
4. ASEAN is multi people.
5. We draw the bookmark and I got 3rd Prize. It was very fun. I could learn about ASEAN that day.
6. No, I don't have.
7. We should colour the ASEAN's flag or learn more about what conuntry join the ASEAN.
posted @ 8:12 PM